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#1 28/04/2010 11:35:47

Регистриран: 10/04/2010
Мнения: 102


Dear colleagues

First of all my apologies for writing in English, it would take me 1 month to write the same in Bulgarian.

I would like to launch a couple of questions for comments from all of you, all of them might lead to an improvement in our organisation.

First, with regards to the time of the Sunday matches, is it possible to know in advance if there are any reservations for Merl pitch to avoid being "kicked out" before we finish our game, or even worse, before starting?

Second, due to hot weather and other events which happen at lunch time (family lunches, F1 etc), shall we think about changing the time of the match for late afternoon or earlier morning?

Third, some of you commented about a mid week game in a standard 5 a side pitch. I am up for that, and would be good to know who else could be interested.

It is great to play on Sundays and hope that we can all organise many more matches in the months to come.

I am open to comments, criticism and opinions.




#2 07/05/2010 13:28:37

Регистриран: 02/01/2010
Мнения: 6

Отговор: Comments

Prisuedinavam se kam tova, koeto pishe Fernando. Nadaivam se ,che ima dosta fenove na F1, koeto zapochva v 14h nedelia. Ako vsichki sa suglasni predlagam da otlojim chasa na nedelnia match za po-kusno sledobed.



#3 07/05/2010 16:27:14

Регистриран: 11/10/2007
Мнения: 898

Отговор: Comments

vsichko tova zvuchi chudesno ako kajesh kade i v kolko chasa 6te namerim svobodno igri6te!
v protiven sluchai stava samo prikazki na viatara!


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